Objective vs. the Subjective Reality and it’s Effect on Our Experience

Posted by Casey Jones

–  When you think of the experience you are in, do you realize that you did not create the structure of how things naturally work? Are you aware that there is an objective reality that we all live in?

We are not the frame worker who built this place to have this experience, but we are active participants in the environment that we are in and influence what comes next. We can do this consciously, or unconsciously, each having intended or unintended consequences. We did not build the house that we live in here, but we live in the house. We can observe the Objective and accept it, or we can choose to get lost in a filtered reality, watered down by the subjective mind. This will cause us to act like a person who goes into a building and imagines the environment to be something entirely different because they feel more comfortable doing that.

Imagine if we went into a hotel, then decided to imagine that it was something other than a hotel? Next, because we are in the subjective mind, we began acting in a strange ways. Any delusions we have control our behavior out of alignment with what is objectively true. Acting like we were in the middle of the street and cars were driving all around us inside that hotel, doesn’t make it so, and never will. If we begin to act in character, blinded with the delusion of the subjective experience being reality, then we would be seen as crazy, outside the reality that the rest of us live in. The people who were grounded to the objective reality around us, would first try to calm us down and get us to realize where we actually are. If that didn’t work, they would call someone to have you taken in for evaluation. Unfortunately this is happening all over the world, people are believing their own subjective reality to a point that is disconnecting from the objective reality. A very important realization is that there is an actual objective reality that exist, and it doesn’t matter if you are alive to experience it, it still is what it is.

There is a proper use of our subjective mind. With the subjective mind we can desire, imagine, contemplate and create. The law of attraction works through our subjective experience, you can read about that in the article linked at the bottom of the page. The subjective mind is apart of our everyday life, memories and decision making. It should be understood that it is like an ego, it should not be the dominating force in our daily life or will cause harm and imbalance. When we can understand that our subjective beliefs are constantly changing with our added life experience, you can see the objective reality is what it is consistently, while the subjective mind is malleable, shifting and changing throughout the experience. This changes our beliefs, in turn the perspective changes and finally the experience becomes different than previous moments. The Objective always “is” and always “will Be,” “as it is..” Your beliefs will never change the objective truth, it will only change your perception of it and you will experience your life through the lens of what you believe. This is the very reason it is important to have an open mind in order to expand your awareness to include the balance of the objective and subjective experience. Growing our greater understanding of life itself, will improve all of our experience here.

If all of us come to the understanding that there is an objective reality, our collective experience would change dramatically. When living in the moment, moment to moment, where objective reality exist, we come out of misery, delusion and false reality. The objective exist without your permission or observation. No narrative control will ever change the objective truth or objective reality. This is why beliefs are targeted through propaganda and social engineering projects. The belief drives perception, the perception filters and tailors the experience. Two people could be in the same place an d experience something that happened, differently.

The objective reality and truth do not need you to exist. It needs no validation. If you do not see it, or are not aware of it, it does not matter. It still exist regardless, as it is, not how you wish it to be. This is the polarity of our subjective mind, polarizing, making individual thought possible. I am sure you can agree that if you do not understand how something works, it is really hard to use it properly. People suffer being stuck in a perception prison of the subject habit pattern mind. I believe there is so much suffering in the world because many are not taught how their multi-dimensional body and mind work. In the West, for the most part, we are not even taught to think about it.

With this understanding rooted in our lives, collectively we will become a much higher vibration, unified with real remedy and solutions. I believe that there would be much more peace and alignment with what is naturally right in the flow of life if these understandings became apart of our daily lives. Conscious movement occurring in this direction can only be a good thing.

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